Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've been spending an exorbitant amount of time on facebook, hating myself as I refill my cup. The problem is this: a superficial lack of space for creative outpouring. I find myself fidgety, changing my profile picture, changing my status. Sometimes it feels like facebook is the only place to express one's self. This is obviously bogus. I hereby resolve to be better and facebook less. It's boring. So what's been up? Friday I traveled to DC and engaged in some questionable behavior (see: dancing at Rock n' Roll Hotel, two stepping in the street, accidentally bumping uglies with a tranny on the Metro) with some Southern boys before hitting the National Mall for the Rally to Restore Sanity. It was an excellent experience, complete with witty signage ("Less Sarah Palin, More Para Sailing"/ "We Could Talk Politics or We Could Eat Chocolate") and youthful energy. I was impressed with the diversity of the crowd. As it turns out, laughing appeals to all ages, and this is a beautiful thing. We sped home for Halloween festivities--> Sunday we went to Fell's Point for the Mardi Gras-esque madness that we've come to rely on. With lack of funds and foresight my dear roommate and I decided to be Beauty and the Beast (obviously I was Beast with Gap fur jacket and Google blanket tied tight round ma neck). We bopped around, a motley crew of ballerina and Steve Jobs and sluts and Birds of War and cats and Cat-in-the-Hat and cavewoman. Sometimes it's nice to place yourself in the middle of a swirling vortex just to test your limits, your capacity for chaos, and disorder. I was dizzy with exhaustion but enjoying the splendor nonetheless. Now it's time to grease my gears and surge forward into creative projects. It's almost wintertime-I don't know what that means. I do know that a few weeks ago, I combed each level of the library, pulling books off the shelf at random, and checking out a fat stack. Maybe I should do that again. It sounds good right? As usual, it's all "what is life and how should I live it?" up in my head. I should work on that.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your facebook feelings...I embarrass myself when I check it every 10 min only to discover there is only 1 new thing on my news feed and no one has written on my wall. shame. and utter boredom. xoxo -ZD
