Monday, February 22, 2010

An Education

Movement. A graceful stride forwards, a look back, a slippery slope. Movement is everywhere, when life is good. Hunger and thirst, movement, it's what we need. I've realized that fluidity in all things is what I want. Pandora, wikipedia, facebook: it's songs spilling into songs, and pictures into pictures. Last weekend I found myself in a basement, bopping around with the Science Po kids (the frenchie babies who study at Hopkins for a brief bit) to some hot beat. I knew a few people but really I was just spilling my beer and swishing my hair about, enjoying the dirty air. There's education in the classroom and this is essential, of course. Shakespeare and science manuals. And then there is the education you set yourself up for: meeting people and exploring and bumping your head on an exposed pipe at a house party. I'm trying to educate myself at all moments. Our shower curtain is a map of the world and I've started analyzing it. Did you know that Mauritius is tiny? There are blogs and articles on cyborgs and spreads of men in mickey mouse costumes and maybe it's all bullshit or maybe it's all for your benefit. We are more than an accumulation of facts and formulas and ultimately, I don't know my calculus. But I'm open to ideas. I'd like to build a pick-up truck and gather some friends and see some things. I'd like an endless education that I could be proud of. The other day, a professor of mine said 'she wants to be a tight rope walker, and to fly planes, and to be a jockey, but doesn't she really just want a story?' I can't speak for the heroine but I know I do.

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