Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sodality Society

I've been walking around campus lately, eager to chat. HEY! I say, waving to a friend from months past. Too often, the person on the receiving end of this is disinterested in my enthusiasm. I wonder, is there something on my face? Does my outfit embarrass? I rush to give a hug, or remember a small detail from said person's life. I guess that's strange? I've rediscovered some people who have the same flame, a similar urge to engage, without restraint. I was doodling in class, jotting down ideas, when a professor mentioned 'sodality.' Sodality references otherness. It's a word that can mean brotherhood or unity amongst 'others.' Well, hello. I'm going to start a Sodality Society. It won't be anything major (though a club crest might be in order) but it will be fun. Why should we [youngins] with delight and imagination, feel subjected to an apparent lack of liveliness? It won't do. I could censor myself, put down the red wine, and zip the lips. I could pick up the newspaper and highlight pertinent topics, make myself notecards referring to current events, in the hopes of providing intellectual insight. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm just not that type of girl. I'd rather kick up my heels and see where the night goes. I'll read the news but really, I want my own story. If that's too pedestrian or uncultured, I sorely apologize. I just can't park it on B level, head in text book, unflinching, unknowing, uncaring of the people at the next table.

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