Sunday, July 11, 2010

You Do You

"One day I am going to grow wings, a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless"- it's one of my favorite lines. I think I'm growing wings, bursting through myself, and stretching into the atmosphere, and I owe it all to the Johns Hopkins University for bestowing their gracious funds upon me. In the last few months, each week has provided secret setbacks, hidden roadblocks. Fuck! I often thought. I have to write a script! I have to find actors! I have to hire a space! And the challenges keep coming but I find myself thrilled and delighted by the prospect of engaging with a full scale theatrical project. I've found my actors and by the grace of God, they love each other and are engaging the script in unexpected ways, imbuing it with energy and comedy that I didn't write. On top of that, so many other friends have brought their gifts to the table (Emily and Anna for costume, Mare for set) and thanks to their creativity and dedication, we are getting shit done and doing it in style. It's Summer of Yes and I'm having a ball. It's still difficult for me to relinquish tasks and delegate but I'm learning to trust the instincts of others, I'm learning about that unusual chemical reaction we call collaboration.

1 comment:

  1. The wonderous joy that is "greater than the sum of the parts." Wishing you and your krewe femur splitting success with the Dental Play and more fun than you can imagine with krazy Nicola, Zoe D and our beloved Chiara!! Jim.
