Saturday, January 2, 2010

Till the Sunlight

I awoke yesterday morning in a panic. I wanted to start a new blog, something epic and fresh, but I couldn't generate the necessary creativity. I brewed some coffee, danced around the house, walked the dog, wrote a little, and then washed my hands of the endeavor. I wasn't ready. Now, it's the second day of the New Year, and I'm excited to create. 2010 is going to be chic, quintessential, juicy, enticing, disgusting, sweaty, manicured, and energetic if I have a say in it. Make no mistake: 2009 was brilliant and I was sad to see it go. I spent a few months in Rome, and I shape-shifted. It happened without my consent, when I wasn't looking. I guess that when I was eating cheeses, running for the train at Termini, replaying that bad Agnes song, or swinging my legs over the ledge in the orange grove, I was changing and shifting and pulling and moving in ways I didn't realize. Now it's a new era and I'm ready to explore. It's Year of the Perfumed Pig and it's going to be a megawatt mess.

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