Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jeep Cherokee

The sun is blazing and another day of writing begins. I was cooking black beans and rice last night, cradling the phone to my ear, talking to Dookie about my play (summer 2010! August 13-15th!) I was saying that in The Writing Seminars (official title and less official debauch), there's so much competition that I'd be nervous to have students/friends/writers in the audience. "Oh fuck that," she said. "It doesn't matter." Too true, Dookie. I've been a busy bee, writing writing, and I can't wait for this summer. I'll be CEO of my own life with ample budget and bow tie to match. (It should always be that way, right?) I'll be directing, rehearsing, organizing, creating, living my own thoughts and desires. I see a wood-paneled Jeep Cherokee, a cast of scruffy and amazingly brilliant actors, some sandwiches, and hours of brilliance. Wouldn't that be ideal? Well guess what y'all, that's what it shall be. CAN'T WAIT.

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