Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Words and Coins

My smart phone thinks it's smarter than I am. When I try to text, it auto-corrects me, as if to say "darling dear, didn't you mean that other adjectivenounverbconjugation?" I'm frustrated by words. Between facebook, texting, and tweeting, everyone is eager to spew themselves every which way. I'm all for expression of self and thought and for outpouring of creative and intelligent language but all this "##^^^$$^^^&$R HECKABABY dFLDLFORERERE LOOK AT ME TWEETING" is like fast-food: easily produced and eventually clogging the heart. Who am I to judge though right? Here I am, blogging to the nameless/shameless interweb in the hopes of pinpointing some eventual truth. I won't deny it. And yes, I have been told that I speak slowly and in a strange cadence, like someone who is constantly stoned or waiting for their next moment of revelation, so I'm not the demographic. But isn't there something to be said for economy and minimalism? Why do we need so much frenetic babble? Words are like currency. If we use them too often, they inflate and lose their grace. I need to be reminded of all that's good and pure. I think I'll go finish Mao II.

1 comment:

  1. The problem might be shortening the English language to hieroglyphics. There is nothing wrong with stringing actual words together to form something coherent, insightful and entertaining. That takes some actual work and knowledge. Maybe I'm just old. People always think I sound stoned too (from my slow cadence banter). We are very similar in that way.
